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The Saint Jacques Scallop


Since prehistoric times, shells have been used as religious symbols, ornaments and currency.

Its name comes from the time when pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela, a pilgrimage site in Spain in the Middle Ages, used empty scallop shells to beg, drink or eat.

The scallop is found throughout Europe, in both the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. They are concentrated on the French and Spanish coasts. They are fished from October to April.

We're counting on you to wish us "Saint Jacques" on July 25.




For our part, we chose the name Saint Jacques Wetsuits because it embodies 3 essential elements of our brand concept:


As we're passionate about board sports and the natural world around us, it was essential for us to keep this connotation in our brand name. Nature, and more specifically the sea and oceans, is our playground. An environment to be preserved so that we can continue to enjoy it, by taking action. At Saint Jacques, we've already put in place a number of environmentally-friendly initiatives. Discover our commitments.


We are proud and happy to represent our country, which is France. All stages (except production) are carried out in our offices near Montpellier. From product design to customer service and dispatch, we manage everything in our local company. What's more, our tricolor flag is our best inspiration for suit design.

  • HIGH END CONNOTATION, especially with our choice of materials. 

Indeed, we develop our products with elegance in mind, as well as technique and quality. That's why we make a point of choosing the best materials to create the best wetsuits.

combinaison néoprène yamamoto saint jacques wetsuits




The scallop shell is omnipresent on the brand's products. From lycra to wetsuits to ponchos, you'll find this emblem in printed or embroidered versions. This distinctive element adds to the original, retro design of Saint Jacques Wetsuits.




As far back as antiquity, the scallop shell was used to protect people from witchcraft and disease. It was through legends that the scallop shell came to be seen as an attribute of the apostle Saint Jacques.

On their return from the tomb of St. Jacques, pilgrims attached scallop shells to their capes in honor of the apostle, and they are the symbol of their long journey.

It has a natural wave form, which is why it has been chosen as a holy water font in many churches. This particular wave is called a form wave, and it positively charges the holy water so that it remains "pure".


In a much simpler guise, the scallop is also an exceptional delicacy that can be eaten raw or cooked. As well as being delicious, it's packed with vitamin B12 and selenium, minerals that contribute to a healthy metabolism. It's one of the rare foods to contain so much, so there's no reason to deprive yourself.

1 Comment

  • Excellent choix… on doit être fier d’une marque FRANÇAISE qui développe des produits originales et qualitatifs…

    Stéphan on

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